How To Make Money Online in Affiliate Marketing: 10 Free Resources Posted on While every once in a while I do blog about things that are useful for affiliates, my blog is more advertiser/merchant- and affiliate program manager-oriented. However, nearly every day I have people contacting me for “affiliate marketing tips” and “advice” on how to make money as an affiliate . Since the start of this week (i.e. in the course of the past 5 days) I’ve had 8 people (5 emails, 1 phone call, 1 LinkedIn message, and 1 blog comment ) ask me to help them with affiliate advice. It just seems like a “ perfect storm ” situation, if you know what I mean… a perfect confluence of requests to make me put together the below list. So, today I bring you 10 quality online resources to teach yourself affiliate marketing as an affiliate (the order is merely alphabetical, and all of these deserve your attention): 10 Free Online Resources on Affiliate Market...